The OAIS Reference Model

The Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model is designed to provide a comprehensive framework to help organizations maintain and preserve access to digital information over the long term. It is widely used by archives, libraries, and other institutions responsible for preserving digital content.

In summary, the OAIS Reference Model is a guiding framework for organizations seeking to develop systems for the long-term preservation of digital information. It addresses key aspects of digital archiving, from the initial acquisition of data to its long-term preservation and access, ensuring that digital information remains usable and understandable well into the future.

Key concepts of the OAIS model

Key players

Information model

OAIS introduces an information model of three types of information packages:

Functional model

OAIS defines the functional model with the following functional entities:

OAIS is a reference model, not a set of strict rules. It's adaptable to the needs of different organizations and types of digital information.